we fell in love by Shibainu’s and
we can’t imagine a life without Shibainu.
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the Shibas character

The well-bred Shiba Inu is good-natured, alert, and bold.
It is strong-willed and confident, and often has it own ideas about things.
It is loyal and affectionate with his family, though sometimes tends to be suspicious of strangers.

It doesn’t always get along with other dogs, but we have got more Shibas in group without problems.

This is a smart breed, but training a Shiba Inu isn’t like training a German shepherd. While a German shepherd is delighted to come when called, the Shiba Inu will come when he feels like it — or not.
It’s been described as stubborn, but freethinking is probably a more positive way to characterize him. Temperament is affected by a number of factors, and training, and socialization.

Puppies with nice temperaments are curious and playful, willing to approach people and be held by them, but like every dog, the Shiba Inu needs early socialization — exposure to many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences — when they’re young.
Socialization helps ensure that your Shiba puppy grows up to be a well-rounded dog. Enrolling him in a puppy garden class is a great start, to taking it to busy parks, stores that allow dogs, and on leisurely strolls to meet neighbors will also help him polish his social skills.

One typical to the Shiba Inu’s personality is his dislike of being restrained, even though it’s required for his own safety. He doesn’t like wearing a collar or being leashed.

Leash training this breed takes time and patience, but is mus!
Puppy and obedience classes are recommended for the Shiba Inu, not only for the lessons learned but also for the amount of stimulation and socialization it provides the dog. Work with a trainer who knows this breed. Don’t be disappointed if the Shiba Inu is a difficult and strong-willed student — that’s his nature. Think of it as a challenge.
It won’t hesitate to chase small animals that he considers prey, for this reason, it should always be on a leash when it’s outside places fenced yard.

Housebreaking is relatively easy with this breed. Once your Shiba Inu understands the concept of where he needs to go, he will go to that area whenever he can. Crate training is a great housetraining aid that benefits every dog and is a kind way to ensure that your Shiba Inu doesn’t have accidents in the house or get into things he shouldn’t.
A crate is also a place where he can retreat for a nap.

Crate training at a young age will help your dog accept confinement if it ever needs to be boarded or hospitalized. Never stick your Shiba Inu in a crate all day long, however. It’s not a jail, and it shouldn’t spend more than a few hours at a time in it except, when it’s sleeping at night. Shiba Inus aren’t meant to spend their lives locked up in a crate or kennel.

The Shiba Inu is a good family dog, as long as it is raised properly and receives training and proper socialization when he’s young. It gets along with children who treat him kindly and respectfully. As with every breed, you should always teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and always supervise any interactions between dogs and young children to prevent any biting or ear or tail pulling on the part of either party....
The Shiba doesn't like to be alone, so if you work a lot and are away from home for too many hours, don't think of a Shiba(or even a dog!).
It often likes to scream (the Shibas scream is famous!) and howl... if you don't have good neighbors and you live in an apartment building, take this into account too!

Created by Lisa-Tsukikagesou
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